FREE shipping (if you spend over $100) | Delivering Handmade Happiness | 100% Proud Canadian Business 🇨🇦
June 15, 2024
One of the things I love most about being a small business owner are the shifts and changes that take place over time.
It's testing new products, trying new techniques, and falling in love with the process of putting a new product line together and hoping the world falls in love with it as I have.
The world of crafting is massive. There are so many paths that you can go down in an effort to tap into your creative side. For the last couple of years, I have been experimenting with a lot of areas and having a blast doing so. I love watching a project come to life but, in my quest to try all of the things, I was starting to move away from creating with my own two hands and instead, getting swept up in what was popular. So I decided to change that...
...and I think I have finally landed on something.
Over the next 6 months, I'll be transitioning into a DIY Craft Kit focus for my business. I have a lot of Card Making Kit fans and people are snapping up my Sewing Kits as well. So I'm taking what is currently working and introducing new yarn things by creating Crochet Patterns and DIY Crochet Kits and bringing them into the crafty fam jam!
My need to convince the world that crochet and sewing is COOL, and that handmade cards carry a certain magic, is why this decision was an easy one to make.
I'm currently in the process of building up the Crochet side of things and it's all starting to come together with more to come. This new path means that everything that isn't related to Craft Kits will slowly dwindle down. As things like mugs and teapot cozies sell out, then that's it. So grab things while you can!
If you are curious, follow the links below to each DIY section.
Card Making Kits: Click Here
Sewing Kits: Click Here
Crochet Patterns | Kits: Click Here
I'm very excited to see where this new path leads!!
June 02, 2024
It all starts with an idea, or scrolling through social media and seeing all of the adorable project ideas to create.
You buy the pattern, secure the materials and you feel the excitement of putting your new item together. Then, you look at the other 5,789 projects that are sitting there staring at you begging to be completed but you ignore them for the shiny new project instead.
Life gets in the way, or you have a busy week and pretty soon, your new shiny project becomes the 5,790th project that gets added to the pile.
Raise your hand if this sounds familiar? Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this. Please!? Now, the question is, why do we do this? I recently did a studio purge/organize and created a yarn shelf. I knew my yarn collection was intense however, because I kept shoving it into bins it was a case of "out of sight, out of mind".
Now that it's all out and visible, all of those ignored projects are now in front of my face. I even found a pile of yarn that I purchased in December of 2022 because we were expecting a doozy of a snowstorm so, in addition to stockpiling food and wine for the impending storm, I needed 8 balls of yarn to play with. The storm did indeed arrive however, those 8 balls of yarn still have the wrap around them. Totally ignored!
Maybe I should form a support group of sorts so we can all go around and show each other the lost forgotten projects that we had the best intentions for but have never been made. There would absolutely be no judgement as we're all in the same craft supply hoarding boat.
April 25, 2024
I get quite a few questions throughout the week with respect to product listings and shipping information so I thought I would compile a list of the most commonly asked questions and put them all into one spot. (Psst: I'm just a message away if you have any questions that aren't listed here.)
Question: How long have you been in business for and what made you decide to start this? Answer: I started The Craft Shoppe Canada in 2017 after getting a Cricut and a Sissix Big Shot for Christmas. I wanted to earn a little extra income while being at home with the kids. It started off as making handmade greeting cards and it sort of grew from there.
Question: Where are you located? Answer: I'm located in the Southwestern region of Ontario, Canada.
Question: I just ordered a recipe tea towel. Where do I send the recipe details? Answer: Please send your recipe information in an email to
Question: Are you able to do a custom order. I can't find what I'm looking for? Answer: I can definitely try and help depending on what you are looking to have done. Please send a message via "Contact us" at the top of my homepage and we'll chat from there.
Question: You make this look so easy - how hard is it to run an online, product based business? Answer: It is definitely a lot of fun. I mean, I get to play with crafty things everyday however, it's a lot of work. People don't realize just how much goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen.
Question: What are your processing/shipping times like and do you offer express shipping if I need my order STAT? Answer: Most of my products are made to order and while most orders can be dispatched within 1-2 days, there are some items take a little longer to make. I do offer upgraded shipping options if you need your order sooner than later.
Question: How can I reach you if I have questions/concerns about my order? Answer: Customer service is very very important to me. If you find your order hasn't arrived in a suitable timeframe, or you have any other concerns related to your order, then please send a message via "Contact Us" on my homepage, or you can send an email to
Question: I live in the U.S., how long will it take for my order to ship from Canada? Answer: For orders shipped within Canada, it usually takes anywhere between 3-7 business days. For orders shipping to the U.S., it usually takes anywhere between 7-10 business days. **During holidays such as Christmas, delivery times can and usually are busier so add on extra time during the months of November/December.
Question: I have noticed that you only ship within North America, are you looking to add more countries to that list? Answer: I am looking at opening things up to ship to different countries within Europe but each country has different rules and regulations surrounding shipping etc so I'm doing my research on that as we speak.
Question: Are you able to handle a larger, bulk order if necessary? Answer: Absolutely! I have completed a number of larger custom orders in the past. All I ask is for time to pull the order together - especially if it's a custom order request.
August 01, 2023
I am a creature of habit - there I've said it. I find comfort in routine and being able to set my clock to those daily tasks. I love planning ahead, and I feel comfort when everything is in its spot.
To jump outside of that comfort zone? What?? Why would someone choose to take part in this crazy trend?
We are raised to go to school, find a job/career, get married, buy a house and keep working to maintain whatever lifestyle you have set for yourself. So, I carved out a career in IT recruiting, met the boy, got married, bought the house and started raising kids. Did I love my career? Yes and no. It was fun and I felt like I was making a difference for those who craved a new career for themselves. However, it wasn't a job where I leapt out of bed every morning with determination nor did I feel 100% fulfilled. Having said all of that, life was good, there was routine and we were shuffling through life raising little kids and doing "the norm".
Fast forward to the year before I turned 40. My hubby and I started tossing around the idea of having me stay at home full time with the kids. His career had him travelling quite a bit so it made sense for me to manage our life full time. At first, I balked at the idea. I loved having a career and I loved being able to contribute financially to our household income. However, that was also the same year where I started to forget things like picture day or crazy hair day. My eldest had also joined the volleyball team at school but I could never catch any of his games because they happened while I was at work.
Once the ball dropped on NYE, on the year I turned 40, my perspective on life changed in an instant. Here I was given a chance to spend more time with my kids and get involved with their lives, school and sports. Why was I struggling with this decision? Oh right, it meant an upheaval to the routine that I felt I needed and life was comfortable and predictable.
In the end, I dove into the world of my kids and LOVED IT! I flipped pancakes at their school, organized fundraisers and blared the latest tunes while carting the kids and their friends to baseball and soccer tournaments.
While I loved being a full time Mum, the kids were in school full time so I was getting a little bored during the day. So, I took another step outside of that comfort zone and opened up the Shoppe. Did I know anything about running a small handmade business? Nope, but I have learned (and continue to learn) the ins and outs along the way and I fell in love with what I do. It's exciting to watch something that began as a crazy idea, begin to take root and grow.
Now that I'm becoming famous for shaking up my routine and comfort zone, I decided to fly over to Scotland with my best friends of 30 years and take on the West Highland Way. The "Way" is a 155km hiking trek that we did over 8 days. I mean, let's be real here, I'm the least outdoorsy person on earth. I don't camp unless it's in a cottage with a dishwasher, I have never hiked to the degree where I needed a pack or trail shoes and I love A/C. However, this was a chance to get my feet on my ancestral roots and do something completely out of the norm.
This experience really pushed us to our limits. The terrain was rough and it rained every single day (, but the laughter and tears we shed on this journey far outweighed the pain. It was an unbelievable experience - one that I still can't quite put into words.
What I'm trying to say, is that this so called comfort zone that we nestle into is a great place to be - especially for those who crave routine. However, wonderful things happen when you push yourself outside that zone. The great thing about all of this is, is that if you step out and it doesn't work out, you can go back and try again. The important part is that you keep trying.
March 14, 2023
Last month, my aunt sent me a link to a crafty project that was due to start at the beginning of March. Anita, a lovely crochet designer based in the U.K., was commissioned by a yarn shop to design a blanket for the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. When this was announced everyone was quick to snag the yarn kit which included balls of pretty yarn and a commemorative label to add to your finished project. We found out about this project well after the fact so yarn kits were sold out however, we were able to piece together our yarn needs from a couple of different stockists from London. We couldn't use Canadian yarn for a project like this right? lol
Here is the finished blanket - I mean, the colours are simply beautiful.
Now, my crochet skills are very VERY basic only knowing the two main stitches, single and double crochet, so I was a little nervous about starting a project that looked way out of my league. However, being a Royalist and having an excuse to buy pretty yarn threw logic right out the window.
This is my first official Crochet a Long (CAL) and so far, I am LOVING it! Each week, a new part of the pattern is released which is great for a beginner. It means we only have to focus on small parts of the project at a time instead of feeling overwhelmed by staring at the entire pattern. The weekly release also includes how-to videos by the designer which helps those of us who are visual learners. Lastly, I'm part of a group on FB of lovely folks who are working on the same project and are at the ready with answers to questions that come up.
I have a feeling that this will be the first of many CAL's I take part in...and I'm currently taking wagers on how close to finished product I will get :)
If you want to make your own coronation keepsake, then follow the link below for more info.
CAL Link: